Backtracking is a general algorithm for finding all solutions to some computational problem, that incrementally builds candidates to the solutions, and abandons each partial candidate c ("backtracks") as soon as it determines that c cannot possibly be completed to a valid solution.
Backtracking can be applied only for problems which admit the concept of a "partial candidate solution" and a relatively quick test of whether it can possibly be completed to a valid solution. It is useless, for example, for locating a given value in an unordered table. When it is applicable, however, backtracking is often much faster than brute force enumeration of all complete candidates, since it can eliminate a large number of candidates with a single test.
- It is one of the most general
algorithm design techniques.
- Many problems which deal with
searching for a set of solutions or for a optimal solution satisfying some
constraints can be solved using the backtracking formulation.
- To apply backtracking method, tne
desired solution must be expressible as an n-tuple (x1…xn) where xi is
chosen from some finite set Si.
- The problem is to find a vector,
which maximizes or minimizes a criterion function P(x1….xn).
- The major advantage of this method
is, once we know that a partial vector (x1,…xi) will not lead to an optimal solution
that (mi+1……… possible test vectors may be
ignored entirely.
- Many problems solved using
backtracking require that all the solutions satisfy a complex set of
- These constraints are classified
- Explicit constraints.
- Implicit constraints.
Explicit constraints
constraints are rules that restrict each Xi to take values only from a given
- All tupules that satisfy the
explicit constraint define a possible solution space for I.
Implicit constraints:
The implicit constraint
determines which of the tuples in the solution space I can actually satisfy the
criterion functions.
Algorithm IBacktracking
// This schema
describes the backtracking procedure .All solutions are generated in X[1:n]
//and printed as
soon as they are determined.
While (k
0) do
if (there remains all untried
T (X[1],[2],…..X[k-1])
and Bk (X[1],…..X[k])) is true ) then
if(X[1],……X[k] )is the path to the
answer node)
Then write(X[1:k]);
k=k+1; //consider the next step.
else k=k-1; //consider backtracking
to the previous set.
- All solutions are generated in
X[1:n] and printed as soon as they are determined.
- T(X[1]…..X[k-1]) is all possible
values of X[k] gives that X[1],……..X[k-1] have already been chosen.
- Bk(X[1]………X[k]) is a
boundary function which determines the elements of X[k] which satisfies
the implicit constraint.
- Certain problems which are solved
using backtracking method are,
1. Sum of subsets.
2. Graph coloring.
3. Hamiltonian cycle.
4. N-Queens problem.
It is convenient to implement this kind of processing by constructing a tree of choices being
made, called the state-space tree. Its root represents an initial state before the search for a
solution begins. The nodes of the first level in the tree represent the choices made for the
first component of a solution; the nodes of the second level represent the choices for the
second component, and so on.
A node in a state-space tree is said to be promising if it corresponds to a partially
constructed solution that may still lead to a complete solution; otherwise, it is called
Leaves represent either nonpromising dead ends or complete solutions found by the
- Maintain an array X to represent
all elements in the set.
- The value of Xi indicates whether
the weight Wi is included or not.
- Sum is initialized to 0 i.e., s=0.
- We have to check starting from the
first node.
- If S+X(k)=M then we print the
subset b’coz the sum is the required output.
- If the above condition is not
satisfied then we have to check S+X(k)+W(k+1)<=M. If so, we have to
generate the left sub tree. It means W(t) can be included so the sum will
be incremented and we have to check for the next k.
- After generating the left sub tree
we have to generate the right sub tree, for this we have to check
S+W(k+1)<=M.B’coz W(k) is omitted and W(k+1) has to be selected.
- Repeat the process and find all
the possible combinations of the subset.
//generate the
left child. note s+w(k)<=M since Bk-1 is true.
If (S+W[k]=m)
then write(X[1:k]); // there is no recursive call here as
Else if
(S+W[k]+W[k+1]<=m) then sum of sub (S+W[k], k+1,r- W[k]);
//generate right
child and evaluate Bk.
If ((S+ r-
W[k]>=m)and(S+ W[k+1]<=m)) then
sum of sub (S, k+1, r- W[k]);
Subset-Sum Problem is finding a subset of a given set S = {s1,s2….sn} of n positive
integers whose sum is equal to a given positive integer d.
For example, for S = {1, 2, 5, 6, 8) and d = 9, there are two solutions: {1, 2, 6} and {1, 8}.
Of course, some instances of this problem may have no solutions.
It is convenient to sort the set‘s elements in increasing order. So we will assume that
s1 ≤ s2 ≤ ……. ≤ sn
- The state-space tree can be constructed as a binary tree as that in the following figure for the instances S = (3, 5, 6, 7) and d = 15.
- The root of the tree represents the starting point, with no decisions about the given elements made as yet.
- Its left and right children represent, respectively, inclusion and exclusion ofs1 in a set being sought.
- Similarly, going to the left from a node of the first level corresponds to inclusion of s2, while going to the right corresponds to its exclusion, and soon.
- Thus, a path from the root to a node on the ith level of the tree indicates which of the first i numbers have been included in the subsets represented by that node.
- We record the value of s‘ the sum of these numbers, in the node, Ifs is equal to d. we have a solution to the problem.
- We can either, report this result and stop or, if all the solutions need to he found, continue by backtracking to the node‘s parent.
- If s‘ is not equal to d, we can terminate the node as non promising if either of the two inequalities holds:
1. Define a solution vector
X(Xi……..Xn) where Xi represents the I th
visited vertex of the proposed cycle.
2. Create a cost adjacency matrix
for the given graph.
3. The solution array initialized
to all zeros except X(1)=1,b’coz the cycle should start at vertex ‘1’.
4.Now we have to find the second
vertex to be visited in the cycle.
5. The vertex from 1 to n are
included in the cycle one by one by checking 2 conditions,
should be a path from previous visited vertex to current vertex.
2.The current vertex must be
distinct and should not have been visited earlier.
6.When these two conditions are satisfied the current vertex is included in the
cycle, else the next vertex is tried.
the nth vertex is visited we have to check, is there any path from nth vertex
to first 8vertex. if no path, the go
back one step and after the previous visited node.
the above steps to generate possible Hamiltonian cycle.
Algorithm:(Finding all Hamiltonian cycle)
Hamiltonian (k)
value (k)
If (x (k)=0)
then return;
If k=n then
Print (x)
End if
Algorithm Nextvalue
X [k]=(X [k]+1) mod (n+1); //next vertex
If (X [k]=0) then return;
If (G [X [k-1], X [k]]
0) then
For j=1 to k-1 do if (X [j]=X [k]) then
// Check for distinction.
If (j=k) then //if true then the vertex is distinct.
If ((k<n) or ((k=n) and G [X [n], X [1]]
0)) then return;
} Until (false);
This 8 queens problem is to place n-queens in an ‘N*N’ matrix in
such a way that no two queens attack each otherwise no two queens should be in
the same row, column, diagonal.
- The solution vector X (X1…Xn) represents a solution in which Xi is
the column of the th row
where I th queen is placed.
- First, we have to check no two queens are in same row.
- Second, we have to check no two queens are in same column.
- The function, which is used to check these two conditions, is [I, X
(j)], which gives position of the I th queen, where I represents the
row and X (j) represents the column position.
- Third, we have to check no two queens are in it diagonal.
- Consider two dimensional array A[1:n,1:n] in which we observe that every element on the same
diagonal that runs from upper left to lower right has the same value.
- Also, every element on the same diagonal that runs from lower right
to upper left has the same value.
- Suppose two queens are in same position (i,j) and (k,l) then two
queens lie on the same diagonal , if and only if |j-l|=|I-k|.
- Initialize x array to zero and start by placing the first queen in
k=1 in the first row.
- To find the column position start from value 1 to n, where ‘n’ is
the no. Of columns or no. Of queens.
- If k=1 then x (k) (k,x(k)) will give the position of the k th
queen. Here we have to check whether there is any queen in the same column or
- For this considers the previous position, which had already, been
found out. Check whether
X (I)=X(k) for column
|X(i)-X(k)|=(I-k) for the same diagonal.
- If any one of the conditions is true then return false indicating
that k th queen can’t be placed in position X (k).
- For not possible condition increment X (k) value by one and
precede d until the position is found.
- If the position X (k)
n and k=n then the solution
is generated completely.
- If k<n, then increment the ‘k’ value and find position of the
next queen.
- If the position X (k)>n then k th queen cannot be
placed as the size of the matrix is ‘N*N’.
- So decrements the ‘k’ value by one i.e. we have to back track and
after the position of the previous queen.
Algorithm place
//return true if
a queen can be placed in k th row and I th column.
otherwise it returns //
//false .X[] is
a global array whose first k-1 values have been set. Abs® returns the
//absolute value of r.
For j=1 to k-1 do
If ((X [j]=I) //two in same column.
Or (abs (X [j]-I)=Abs (j-k)))
Then return
Return true;
Algorithm Nqueen (k,n)
backtracking it prints all possible positions of n queens in ‘n*n’ chessboard.
//that they are non-tracking.
For I=1 to n do
If place (k,I) then
X [k]=I;
If (k=n) then write (X
Else nquenns(k+1,n) ;